Augmented reality is a computer generated environment that stimulates your experience of the real word by displaying data live in your field of view. Augmented reality makes use of visuals and sound to give the user a perfect experience of the real world in a 3D format. Making use of Augmented reality glasses enhances the experience three fold and gives a premium experience to the viewer. They can be easily used for gaming or other applications like as simulators, trainers or for recreation purposes. They can be easily carried and used because of the small size and the smart design the device has. The stereoscopic head mounted display gives separate images to each eye, an efficient stereo sound is attached to the head set and the head motion detectors are a great help for creating a perfect Augmented environment. Some newer models are seen in the market with eye motion tracking sensors and gaming controllers.
There are numerous augmented reality apps which make an efficient use of this device in varied applications like e-commerce, gaming etc. There are apps which allow the user to view the product of their choice in 3D as seen real life thus, making the customers online shopping experience more realistic and feasible. The increased use of these applications on the android platform has brought a huge revolution in E-commerce industry with huge brands such as Nestle, Nokia, Coca Cola involved. Such3D apps are even a success in the architecture and artistic fields like sketching. The intense and realistic gaming applications provide just unimaginably real Augmented reality experience and create an ultimate thrill and fun quest for its users. There are numerous navigation tools which work as 3D apps in variety of situations. Like there are apps which could help you discover stars and planets in the sky without you needing a book. By just looking at the sky there are apps which will help you navigate if you point towards the sky.
Manufacturers of these smart glasses and enterprise software,Third Eye Gen helps contribute to the next generation of augmented realty for both commercial and consumer world. Delivering their services to more than Fortune 500 companies,Third Eye Gen has generated custom software solutions and integrated them directly into their smart glasses.
About Third Eye Gen:
Third Eye Gen is a hub of mixed and Augmented reality applications for their X1 smart glasses and AR accessories Their developer platform allows content makers to develop applications and earn revenue per app download.
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