What happens when you’re driving around town, break a traffic signal and this happened to be your second ticket. You’re asked to pay a hefty fine that will surely shake your monthly budget. You certainly think of calling your lawyer and he miraculously saves you by pointing out that the ticket issued was improperly completed and you do not have to pay the fine anymore.
The Smalley Law Firm, LLC Overland Park car accident lawyer can not only save you from these fines, but also from higher insurance costs due to such irrational tickets. These hefty fines can be saved by just calling a law attorney who can protect your rights. Not just parking tickets or traffic violations, Smalley Law firm lawyers can also protect you and your rights in cases of DUI (Driving under influence) or DWI (Driving while intoxicated) under the influence of alcohol or other drugs including prescription and recreational drugs which render you incapable of driving. These kinds of charges proceed with two different legal processes against you, criminal and civil case. In case you are proved guilty, it may lead to incarceration, suspension of license, probation or even an ignition lock on your car.
Overland Park car accident lawyer is the best person to call when you get injured by another vehicle where you have no fault. In cases like these, where the auto insurance of the person who hits you isn’t being supportive, the attorney will help you file litigation. The Smalley Law Firm, LLC charges no fee until you win the case through settlement or via litigation. They provide the best litigation and negotiation services along with moral support to their clients in such cases to make sure they get reimbursed for all the damages you incurred.
Overland Park car accident lawyer is the person you must call at first while getting booked for a ticket or on any charge by the police. Cary S. Smalley of The Smalley Law Firm, LLC based in Overland Park, Kansas can not only help you in matters of car accidents or traffic violations but is an experienced attorney of bankruptcy, estate planning, business law and other such fields.
To know more about The Smalley Law Firm, LLC, log onto: Thesmalleylawfirm.com.