How do we know what is happening in the world around us? The amount of information that is a just a click away maybe limitless, but the time and energy that we have to absorb and evaluate the information is not.
A few decades ago, news was broad based and choices were limited to gather information but the new digital platforms have unleashed greater global outreach. The flip side of this communication flux is the spread of disinformation or hoaxes that are commonly referred to as “fake news”, and are changing the way individuals look at daily developments. The proliferation of communication system has led to a considerable debate on how to counteract the precipitous decline of information.
I want to emphasise on the point that there is a dire need for ethical blogging and legitimate spread of information to improve online accountability. News literacy and quality tools should be deployed to solve the problems that the consumers are facing due to disinformation. We all agree to the fact that through digital sources there is a radical increase in the deployment of public engagement platforms and social media resources. Likewise, checking for information online through blogging sites is a rising trend among seekers.
However, it is upon the creator to produce facts and details which are ubiquitous. People rely heavily on the web for their communication and information delivery. Thus, the spread of fake information is like a chain reaction which does more harm than good. Ethical blogging is the need of the hour with the motive of only delivering reliable information to the seekers.
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Deepak Bansal created the group Do Bloggers Distribute Fake News? 3 years, 2 months ago