You’re a parent who’s looking for a quality day care near Naperville. You may not know what to look for, especially if you’re a new parent and have never had to drop your child off at a day care facility or preschool setting.
There are some characteristics to focus on when it comes to a quality day care near Naperville. Below are three characteristics you might want to consider focusing on and, when you do, you will ultimately discover that some facilities are simply head and shoulders above the others as far as safety, early childhood development, and a positive, structured environment.
Characteristic #1: Safety.
The safety of children is of the utmost importance for every parent. No one wants to drop their child off at a day care center or preschool setting, get a phone call in the afternoon and discover their child cannot be found or has experienced a serious injury.
At KLA Schools of Plainfield, nothing is more important than the safety of each child in their care. They have extensive protocols to ensure only authorized individuals can pick them up, don’t allow unauthorized people on the premises, and have established an incredibly safe indoor and outdoor learning environment where children can explore without the risk of serious injuries.
Characteristic #2: Learning environment.
The learning environment is incredibly important for children. After all, 90 percent of a child’s brain development will occur by the time he or she is five. Structuring the environment in such a way as to promote interest in the learning process is the best way to encourage maximum efficacy.
Characteristic #3: A wonderful environment.
The environment, both indoors and out, should be specifically tailored around children. That’s exactly what KLA Schools of Plainfield has done, developing one of the most impressive outdoor learning environments with a full garden children get to grow vegetables in and an art atelier where they can explore their creativity at their own pace.
When you focus on these characteristics, you will discover the best day care near Naperville is KLA Schools of Plainfield.