Sex addiction is a compulsive affiliation of a person towards sexual thoughts and activities. An individual having this disorder continues to engage in such activities despite adverse consequences. This addiction can be termed as an intimacy disorder where a person is unable to control over his own thoughts and behaviour towards intimacy. Person having such addictions is unable to behave adequately, when it comes to being intimate. Uncontrollable psyche of the persona makes them do things that they should not be doing with their partners. Since, no medicine or drug can cure such disorder apart from counselling, sex addiction counselling Lethbridge is the best option for the addicts and their partners to overcome their addiction and trauma respectively.
However, having such sort of addiction in not just bad for the addict, but it has severe impacts on the addict’s partner too. Partners and spouses of sex or porn addicts have to face unwanted and horrible actions of the addicts. They have to go through physical & emotional turmoil and such things often lead to problems like depression and self-pity. Many studies and researches have shown that partners of sex addicts need treatment at the right time or they might end up in a horrible shape of mind, from where recovery would be very hard. Various treatments are available to help sex addicts get over addiction. However, there are few options for partners of sex addicts, apart from counselling.
Yes, Betrayal Trauma counselling Edmonton is the best available treatment to help the partners of sex addicts recover from the emotional turmoil they are going through. There are many centers providing counselling services for both addicts and their partners and one such counselling center is LifeStar Alberta. LifeStar Alberta is a Lethbridge based counselling facility managed by an efficient team of social workers and counselling experts. At LifeStar Alberta, they offer counselling programs for pornography and sex addicts and for their partners. During the course of the program, you will be gently guided through all phases by expert team of professionals who are trained to work with sex addicts and their partners. They help sex addicts and their partners to get rid of this traumatic situation.
About LifeStar Alberta:
LifeStar Alberta offer sex and Betrayal Trauma counselling calgary for addicts and their partners.
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Why Opt for Counselling for Partner’s Sex Addiction 8 years ago