I was surprised to find this quote. This quote mentions nothing of morals, so I suppose Mr. James Bond himself could espouse love, generosity and good manners, I suppose . . .
Either way, it made me think about the impact that we sometimes don’t factor in with what Sunday can mean to our communities. Though we are teaching faith to children, when that faith is activated, sometimes that’s the exact faith a single mom or dad needs when they don’t have any more answers from bills and everything else coming at their home. That sounds dramatic, but I’ve seen it. Jesus answers prayers. Jesus forgives. Jesus is a healer. Jesus is our provider. Jesus is our comforter. Lessons that we think are almost trite and quaint when we’ve been so long with these truths that we’ve taken them for granted, yet when kids take it home, reaches a home that we as adults would have never been able to reach otherwise. Teach to reach a young heart, and who knows, you might just reach a whole family in the process.
Teach love, generosity, good manners and some of that will drift from the classroom to the home and who knows, the children will be educating the parents. –Roger Moore
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